What Happens When An Individual Goes Bankrupt?

Currently, a number of countries in the world have regulated personal bankruptcy in order to harmonize the interests of both individuals who are unable to pay their due debts and creditors. social order management and appropriate debt settlement. So, does the US law have provisions on bankruptcy for individuals or not? Let’s find the answer to this and related issues through the article below.

What is Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy is ruled through the United States Bankruptcy Code, a federal statute, so the process could be very comparable in any of the ninety federal bankruptcy courts nationwide. But, there may be local versions, and every case is specific, so this article serves as a general outline of the bankruptcy process.

What is Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is a process strictly regulated by law to offer a person or corporation a remedy from overwhelming debt and a clean financial beginning. It is a manner to address and control money owed that has become unmanageable, imparting individuals with the chance to rebuild their financial lives.

How many different types of bankruptcies are there?

According to The United States Bankruptcy Code, there are six different types of bankruptcy, and the two most common ones are:

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: Also referred to as liquidation bankruptcy, Chapter 7 entails the sale of non-exempt belongings to pay off lenders. It offers people the opportunity to remove unsecured money owed, consisting of credit score card debt and medical bills.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: Chapter 13 bankruptcy involves creating a reimbursement plan to repay lenders over a  specified period, normally 3 to 5 years. This type of bankruptcy allows individuals to keep their property even by catching up on missed payments and reducing debt.

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The Bankruptcy Process

Declaring bankruptcy involves several key steps and considerations:

  • Consultation with an Attorney: It is essential that you hire an attorney experienced in bankruptcy proceedings. This person will review your finances and guide you through the bankruptcy process.
  • Credit Counseling: You need to go through credit counseling before you file for bankruptcy. This consultation must be carried out by an authorized agency. The purpose of counseling is to help you better understand personal financial management and alternatives to bankruptcy.
  • Filing the Bankruptcy Petition: After consulting, your attorney will prepare the required financial documents and file the bankruptcy petition with the bankruptcy court.
  • Automatic Stay: When the bankruptcy petition is filed, an automatic stay goes into effect. This legal provision halts most collection actions by creditors, providing you with immediate relief from harassment, foreclosure, wage garnishment, and lawsuits.
  • Meeting of Creditors: A meeting of creditors, also known as a 341 meeting, is scheduled within some weeks of filing the bankruptcy petition. This meeting requires the presence of you, your attorney, the bankruptcy trustee, and any selected creditors. In this meeting, the people mentioned above will discuss your financial situation and resolve any concerns.
  • Debt Discharge: Your debt will be discharged when you have completed the bankruptcy filing procedures and satisfied the requirements. A debt discharge releases you from personal liability for certain debts and prohibits creditors from taking any further collection actions.

The Bankruptcy Process

Effects of Bankruptcy

While bankruptcy provides relief from overwhelming debt, it’s important to understand its potential effects:

  • Credit Impact: You’ll have to accept that bankruptcy will have significant effects on your credit score, and it’ll stay on your credit report for several years. However, it is possible to rebuild your credit over time by practicing responsible financial habits and demonstrating positive credit behavior.
  • Asset Liquidation: In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, non-exempt assets may be sold to repay creditors. Essential assets such as your vehicle, home, and personal belongings will be considered an exemption. Therefore, these assets will not be sold to repay the debt.
  • Public Record: Your bankruptcy filing will be public so employers, creditors, and others can access and view it. This information may be considered in future credit applications or background checks.
  • Access to Credit: While obtaining credit immediately after bankruptcy may be challenging, it is possible to rebuild your creditworthiness over time and regain access to credit options.

To sum up, bankruptcy can help you reduce debt and open a new beginning for a new financial. However, the decision to go bankrupt needs to be carefully considered. Do thorough research on the bankruptcy process and its effects. Because bankruptcy is a complex process and is guaranteed by law, you need a professional attorney to help you through the process.

Bankruptcy Alternatives: Exploring Other Options

Bankruptcy is not the only solution when you facing financial difficulties. We present alternative options, such as debt consolidation, negotiation, and debt management plans. Understanding these alternatives can help you make well-informed choices that align with your financial goals.

Bankruptcy alternatives can offer individuals and businesses a way to regain control of their finances without the need for bankruptcy filings. Debt consolidation allows the merging of multiple debts into a single manageable payment, potentially reducing interest rates and simplifying repayment. Debt negotiation entails discussions with creditors to reach settlements that may involve reduced balances or extended payment terms, providing a more feasible path to debt relief.

ebt management plans, on the other hand, involve working with credit counseling agencies to create structured repayment plans that suit the debtor’s financial capacity while ensuring timely debt clearance. Familiarizing oneself with these alternative options empowers individuals and businesses to choose the most appropriate solution tailored to their specific financial circumstances and objectives.

By: Save Google Wave

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